As parents, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and like there is never enough time. We’re being pulled in a thousand different directions and barely have a moment to ourselves.
Wanna take back your time with me? The answer is going to sound too easy, but I promise it’ll work.
Stop. Breathe. Observe what’s going on around you right now. And feel not only the emotions of the present but the tangible truths. What does it smell like? What colors do you see around you and what is the lighting like, warm or cool? What sounds do you hear? Describe the scene you are currently living.
Being present and mindful is the key to a joyful life. Turn off the part of your brain that is planning the next hour, day, week, or month. Don’t let yourself dwell on the past.
You can choose to experience what is going on right now – instead of thinking backwards or forwards (aka rumination & worry).
The key to taking control of your time (and making MORE time) is to be exactly where you are without worrying about the next thing.
A tangible way to do this is to take a picture, both a mental and a physical one. All of these moments we’re capturing, really be present in them as you take the picture. I will never forget this day on the Oregon coast with my kids whether I see this photo or not because I chose to experience it and to document it.
Wanna learn more? I’d LOVE to have you join the conversation in Burn Bright Society – you can join right here!